Daily Program

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

On Tuesday morning, at Morphettville Racecourse, Her Excellency the Governor, as patron of the South Australian Jockey Club, and Mr Bunten, met with Ms Chantelle Jolly, Trainer, Richard Jolly Racing, where they were escorted on a tour of R & C Jolly Stables and were briefed on training procedures.

Afterwards, at Government House, the Governor received a Korean-Australian delegation implementing the Green Cement Transition Project, ‘Project Helios’. Members included Mr Woo Hyun Im, Global GM Overseas Business Division, Korea Hydrogen Nuclear Power; Mr Robert Saunders, Managing Director (Australia), Elecseed; Mr Kyu Hong Lee, Chief Strategy Officer and Founder, Elecseed; Mr Craig Cresp, General Manager Operations, Hallett Group; Mr Jun Seok Seo, Senior Manager Hydrogen Business Department, Korea Hydrogen Nuclear Power; Ms Su Jy Kim, Senior Manager Overseas Business Division, Korea Hydrogen Nuclear Power; Mr Justin Werner, Technical Manager, Elecseed; Mr Sam Crafter, Chief Executive, Office of Hydrogen Power SA; Ms Edit Mucsi, Director, Minerals and Energy, Invest SA, Department for Trade and Investment; Mr David Connolly-Hay, Business Development Manager, Minerals and Energy, Invest SA, Department for Trade and Investment.

Also in the morning, at Hindmarsh, Mr Bunten undertook voluntary work at Meals on Wheels.

In the afternoon, at Government House, the Governor received Ambassador John Berry (Ret), President, and Mr Ian Irving, Chief Executive Officer, American Australia Association Limited, followed by a luncheon.

Afterwards, the Governor and Mr Bunten received Ms Beth Davidson-Park, Chair, and Mr Peter Stewart, Chief Executive Officer, estara.

In the evening, at the University of South Australia, the Governor and Mr Bunten attended the Alan Reid Lecture on Charles Kingston and South Australian Politics from 1885-1900.

During the day, students from the Thebarton Senior College New Arrival Program toured Government House.

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