Daily Program

South Australian Museum
South Australian Museum

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

On Tuesday morning, at Government House, Her Excellency the Governor received The Honourable Peter Malinauskas MP, Premier of South Australia.

Later, at Government House, Mr Bunten hosted a morning tea to acknowledge South Australian Museum staff who contributed to the Government House Fossil and Mineral Exhibit. Guests were Dr David Gaimster, Chief Executive Officer; Mr Adam Moriarty, Head of Research & Collections; Mr Ben McHenry; Senior Collections Manager, Earth Sciences; and Dr Mary-Anne Binnie, Collection Manager, Palaeontology.

Afterwards, at Government House, the Governor and Mr Bunten hosted a luncheon for Grandcarers SA, of which they are joint patrons. Guests were The Honourable Kyam Maher MLC, Attorney-General; Mr Josh Teague MP, Shadow Attorney-General; Dr Meredith Kiraly, Honorary Fellow, University of Melbourne; Mr Michael Feszczak, Chief Executive Officer, Grandcarers SA; Ms Katie Bundle, Former Chief Executive Officer, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust New Zealand; Mrs Joanne Roff, Executive Manager, Integrated Family and Youth Service; Mrs Joanne Sadler, Chief Executive Officer, Wanslea; Mr John Burton, Executive Director, Policy & Research, Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care – National Voice for Our Children; Mr Francis Tyers, Management Committee Member, Kin Raising Kids Tasmania; Ms Juliette Armstrong, Family Support, The Mirabel Foundation; and Ms Rith Sibley, Representing The Honourable Katrine Hildyard MP.

In the afternoon, the Governor received Mr Damian Fitzgerald, General Counsel (Australia and New Zealand), Viterra; Mr Derek Robjohns, General Manager, Supply Chain, Logistics and Commercial Relations, Viterra; and Mr Tim Martin, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Grain Exports.

Later, the Governor and Mr Bunten hosted a reception for Adelaide Fringe Festival Donors.

In the evening, at Adelaide Town Hall, the Governor and Mr Bunten attended the Australian Chamber Orchestra Performance: Altstaedt Plays Haydn & Tchaikovsky.

During the day, students from TAFE SA toured Government House.

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