Daily Program
Wednesday, 29 June 2022
On Wednesday morning at Marleston, Her Excellency the Governor, accompanied by Mr Bunten, toured Warriappendi School and addressed staff and students.
In the afternoon at Adelaide Oval, the Governor, as Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Adelaide, accompanied by Mr Bunten, addressed the guests at the annual Changeover Lunch.
Later at Government House, the Governor and Mr Bunten, as joint patrons of The Royal Caledonian Society of South Australia, received Ms Jeannette Macdonald, Chief, and Ms Christina Cockerill, Secretary.
Afterwards the Governor and Mr Bunten, as joint patrons of Autism SA, received Ms Helen Graham, Chief Executive Officer.
In the late afternoon, Mr Bunten, as patron of the Scientific Expedition Group, received Mr Alun Thomas, President, and Dr Richard Willing OAM, President Emeritus.
In the evening the Governor and Mr Bunten received Professor Colin Stirling, Vice-Chancellor and President, Flinders University, and Dr Mailys Stirling, Senior Manager Technical Services, University of Adelaide, followed by a dinner.