
Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Reception for Women’s Honour Roll

Welcome to Government House this evening.

It is my pleasure to host this event in honour of the 19 nominees selected for the 2021 South Australian Women’s Honour Roll.

As you would be aware, our state has a long history as a leader in pursuing equality for women.

South Australia was the first colony in Australia, and one of the first places in the world, to grant universal suffrage alongside the right to stand for Parliament.

This also extended to Aboriginal women.

These changes were, in large part, driven by passionate and dedicated suffragettes.

These women had a vision for a fairer, safer and more inclusive society, and they worked tirelessly to bring it to life – just as our honourees are doing, in their own unique ways.

Before accepting the vice-regal role as Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, I was proud to encourage more women into senior ranks in Canberra and in ambassadorial positions overseas. I championed diversity and inclusion through a range of initiatives.

Not only was this the right thing to do, it produced many practical benefits to Australia as the Department became more and more representative of our nation’s diversity.

As Governor, I remain committed to gender equality and promoting inclusion more broadly.

I look forward to working with groups and organisations right across the community – and no doubt, many people in this room - to this end.

I thank the staff of the Minister, the Office for Women and the selection committee for their hard work in organising the ninth Honour Roll awards and championing diversity in our community.

I commend the outstanding efforts of tonight’s honourees, which span a vast number of pursuits.

These include multiculturalism, music, healthcare, indigenous rights, women in STEM, and many more.

To our nominees – thank you for using your talents, abilities, time and energy to improve the lives of South Australian women.

By contributing to the creation of a fairer society for women, you create a healthier, more harmonious society for everyone.

We stand in gratitude for your efforts, and I have no doubt future generations will do the same.

Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC


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