
Monday, 21 November 2022

UNESCO Adelaide Awards

Rod and I are delighted to join you as joint patrons to recognise the work of the Adelaide Chapter of the UNESCO Clubs and to present four awards.

Firstly, thank you to Harriet and Will for your lovely welcome and the beautiful flowers.

To Rosemary, thank you for generously hosting this function in your magnificent home, Northgate House.

It is a warm, hospitable place, although I know we all miss the exuberant presence of Vili.


UNESCO has a humanitarian global mission to contribute to peace and security by promoting international cooperation in education, sciences, culture, communication and information.

That work guides the vision of the Adelaide Chapter and the achievements of the award winners who we will honour shortly.

These vital tasks are not the sole remit of governments.

Their importance transcends that.

It is up to us all as global citizens to be the custodians of these principles and actively to uphold them.

We can actively reject intolerance and discrimination.

We can actively decide to encourage and promote opportunity.

We can actively initiate conversations that lead to greater understanding, cooperation and freedom of expression.

I am encouraged that as Rod and I visit organisations across the State, we see these principles being prioritised and celebrated.

In my role as Governor I stand ready, as does Rod, to assist and lend support to the achievement of these goals.

Undoubtedly our people are our strength. We need look no further than the upswell of community effort as we battled bushfires, the pandemic and the current floods.

That sense of contribution to community is exemplified by the work of the UNESCO Adelaide Chapter, locally and globally.

Helen kindly provided me with a list of 32 projects that have benefitted from its support.

I mention a few to indicate their impact:

  • Raising funds for parents to build a school in Bunjosi, Kenya.
  • Establishment of a toy library in Hoi An City, Vietnam.
  • Partnering with Rotary for a language and literacy support program for disadvantaged young learners on Kangaroo Island.
  • Establishment of a soup kitchen at St Andrew’s School, Walkerville.
  • Partnering with St John’s Youth Services to provide backpacks of stationery items for homeless young people who are returning to school.
  • Donation of art supplies and computers for women prisoners.
  • Supporting a study of Kaurna language

None of this would have been possible without the tireless dedication of Helen and her committee alongside energetic volunteers, as well as generous donors and supporters, many of whom are here tonight.

To the award winners Rod and I congratulate you and offer our sincere thanks.

While each have contributed in differing ways: enhancing the lives of families of veterans who have died or become incapacitated; leading our response to the pandemic; nurturing artistic talent; and providing opportunities for Indigenous youth; they are all connected by their contribution to upholding the ideals of UNESCO.

And for that we offer our heartfelt thanks.

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