Daily Program

Thursday, 11 May 2023
On Thursday morning, the Governor and Mr Bunten hosted a breakfast for Dr Moira Jenkins, Mayor of the City of Victor Harbor; Mrs Simone Bailey, Mayor of the Mid Murray Council, and Mr Luke Bailey; Ms Ella Winnall, Mayor of the Berri Barmera Council; and Mr Trevor Norton, Mayor of the Loxton Waikerie District Council, and farewelled them after their overnight stay at Government House.
Afterwards, at Government House, Her Excellency the Governor presided over a meeting of the Executive Council.
Later, at the South Australian Space Industry Centre, the Governor and Mr Bunten undertook a tour of the centre to learn about South Australia’s space industry and capability.
In the afternoon, at Government House, the Governor received Mr Thomas Stockbridge, Student, Thomas More College, who was accompanied by The Honourable Reggie Martin MLC.
Later, at the State Library of South Australia, the Governor and Mr Bunten, as joint patrons of the Royal Geographical Society of South Australia, addressed the gathering and presented awards at the Royal Geographical Society of South Australia 2023 Awards Presentation.
During the day, the Honourable Vicki O’Halloran AO CVO, former Administrator of the Northern Territory, and Mr Craig O’Halloran, arrived to stay at Government House. They were hosted by Her Excellency and Mr Bunten for a luncheon and dinner.