Daily Program

Thursday, 23 May 2024

On Thursday morning, at Government House, Her Excellency the Governor presided over a meeting of the Executive Council.

Afterwards, at Kensington, the Governor visited the Mary MacKillop Museum and viewed the Catholic Education Pathway building.

Later, at Government House, the Governor, who is patron of General Sir John Monash Foundation, participated in a virtual meeting with Mr Paul Ramadge, Chief Executive Officer, and Mr Tom Williams, Scholar, General Sir John Monash Foundation.

Afterwards, the Governor received Colonel Peter Scott DSO (Retd), Chairman, and Lieutenant Colonel Don Stewart (Retd), Secretary, South Australian Korean War Memorial Project Association.

In the afternoon, at The Shed Rehearsal Theatre, Cumberland Park, the Governor and Mr Bunten attended a rehearsal of works by choreographer Lewis Major.

Later, at Government House, the Governor and Mr Bunten hosted an afternoon tea for regional Mayors. Guests were Mr Paul Simmons, Mayor, Coorong District Council, and Ms Wendy Bradshaw; Mrs Lynette Martin OAM, Mayor, City of Mount Gambier, and Mr Colin Martin; Mrs Linley Shine, Mayor, Port Augusta City Council; and Mr Leon Stephens, Mayor, Port Pirie Regional Council, and Mrs Debra Stephens.

Afterwards, the Governor and Mr Bunten hosted a reception to thank supporters and volunteers of the St Andrew’s Hospital Foundation.

In the evening, at Her Majesty’s Theatre, the Governor attended the opening night of the State Theatre Company South Australia and State Opera South Australia’s production of ‘Candide’, and, afterwards, delivered remarks at the post-show celebration. The Governor and Mr Bunten are joint patrons of State Opera South Australia.

Also in the evening, at Adelaide Oval, Mr Bunten attended the Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation’s Biggest Men’s Meal and Mental Health Dinner. Her Excellency and Mr Bunten are joint patrons of the Foundation.

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